A devotional journal to help you enjoy your walk with God, with thanksgiving from your heart, everyday touches and prayers. Inspiration for 8 minutes with God at the start of your day, learning to hear his voice, memorize scripture, pray and journal. Lots of great ideas to build your faith, share scripture, encourage others and strengthen family devotions.

- Now you can journal your walk with God on your Smartphone, Tablet etc.
- Create and remember significant touches from God, everyday events, thanksgiving and prayers.
- Build your faith through scripture memorization and by looking back at answered prayers.
- Inspiration and guidelines to help you take your walk with God to another level.
- Learn how to hear from God and to live your day out from 8 minutes with Him at the start of the day.
- Evening entries to remember your day and give thanks to God.
- Encourage your family and friends by sharing daily scriptures and thoughts.
- Inspire and strengthen your family devotions.
Jami, CA (Jami has been using devotionals since 1974).
“I am so excited about the ATG App. One of the desires of my heart is to make a commitment to learn more bible verses and also to get in the habit of journaling and I truly believe that this App will be a huge encouragement in helping me to do this! I love that I can do both these things in one place on the App and that I will be able to look back over my prayers and be encouraged to see how God has been faithful in answering them. Love it!”
Jenny, IL
“I hardly ever pay for an app, but ATG is well worth the price. Especially considering that the funds go directly to help communities in India. It’s nice to feel you’re helping others while helping yourself!
The app itself is so user-friendly and simple to use. It has encouraged me and lent structure to my (attempted) daily quiet times. Very grateful for this new addition to my morning routine! I love the photo feature, too. A fun way to document where you spend you days/who you spend them with.”
Maddawgcronsauce, App review